The Rideau Environmental Action League (REAL) is a charitable, non-profit, volunteer-run environmental organization of concerned citizens. We promote environmental improvements and undertake community-wide environmental projects in the Town of Smiths Falls and Lanark, Leeds and Grenville Counties.
REAL's mission is to protect, preserve and enhance our environment for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations through advocacy, education, recognition and projects within Eastern Ontario.
REAL's Board, staff and volunteers work with its members, supporters, funders and other partners to achieve its goals and deliver its professional services. Our projects deal with the issues of water, energy, and waste and the public education needed to bring about positive change in our environment. REAL involves a diversity of groups and individuals in thinking globally and acting locally, by giving them opportunities to take part in environmental action.
Perhaps you have participated in Pitch-In Smiths Falls, donated items to the REAL Deal Store, read our REAL Actions newspaper column, learned from a Well Aware visit or booked an ecoENERGY audit of your home. There are many ways to become even more involved. Volunteer with us, and be one of the REAL people taking REAL action to protect our environment.
For more information on REAL go to www.realaction.ca or click on the REAL logo above.