The May 20 Ontario announcement meant yet more changes to REAL’s plans.
- REAL Deal Store Remains Closed. We are currently aiming to reopen Wed. June 16. We are checking phone, email and Facebook messages and our staff are being paid. Call (613) 283-7999 or email Dan, at [email protected]. Please save your donations for when we reopen.
- Rain Barrel Sale. Pickup day went ahead Saturday, May 29, but a handful of people were unable to come that day. If you are one of them, contact Barb at (613)283-9966 to arrange another time. We have ordered extra grey, terracotta and “ugly duckling” grey barrels to sell through the REAL Deal when we reopen. Note that sales tax will apply.
- Pitch In Smiths Falls. If you would still like to do some clean up, stop by the store when re reopen for Pitch in bags, and try to do it by the end of June. The shoreline cleanup is being postponed until the fall.
- Depave Paradise at Town Square. Another postponement! We are now aiming for Sat. June 19. We are looking for volunteers to help rip up 100 sq meters of Daniel St (the town will do the rest!) The tentative butterfly garden planting date is Sat. June 26. We still need some qualified first aid people. See more. Also see a separate list of plants we are looking for.
- Trinity United Church Mushroom Compost Sale. While the sale is officially over, there are still some 30 L bags of compost available at the REAL Deal site. REAL will continue to sell it for $10 or 3 for $25 and keep a small commission.
- Greener Homes and Home Energy Assessments. Audits through the Enbridge program can resume June 3. However, Alan will be working through the backlog caused by the COVID shutdown before booking new assessments through the recently announced Greener Homes program. Appointments will probably not happen until September. Please be patient, or ask us about other service providers.
Please contact us with any questions. And remember, COVID can’t stop summer!
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