Our Rain Barrel Pickup day is now a Garden Fundraiser! If you come between 10 am and 2 pm we will have some other great garden additions to get you growing. Proceeds support REAL’s monarch gardens on the REAL Deal site and at Town Square.
Order a Rain Barrel
Native Plants and Perennials. We will have a large selection of native plants and perennials from Grow Wild in Omemee. We will not be taking pre-orders.
Plants Expected
Tree Saplings. We will have a selection of bare root tree saplings from Ferguson Forest Centre in Kemptville for sale as well!
Seeds. The Monarch Garden team collected seeds from REAL’s gardens in the Fall of 2023, and have packaged them up for sale.
Mushroom Compost. Trinity United Church will be back selling mushroom compost to benefit their projects, starting on May 11. For details contact Jan Montgomery [email protected]
Rain Barrels. We recommend you preorder (and pay) for your rain barrel online at rainbarrel.ca/REALDeal by May 3. Basic barrels are $65. This is your chance to get other styles, colours or replacement parts directly from the company. After May 11, we will have some basic grey and terracotta barrels for sale through the REAL Deal Store, but when they are gone that will be it for the year. To order, go to Rain Barrel.ca/REALDeal/ page or contact Lauralee at (613) 283-3069 or [email protected].
More about the Barrels. The rain barrels come from rainbarrel.ca, a Hamilton company that specializes in running fundraisers for various organizations. They use recycled, food grade barrels, so you know they are safe for your plants. Rain barrels are used to collect water from a downspout, conserving water for dry periods. Plants thrive on the air temperature, chlorine free water. A variety of colours and styles are available. Each barrel comes with a filter basket, overflow and interconnectivity outlet, overflow hose, nipple and spigot, which you can easily attach yourself. Be prepared to sit your barrel on some bricks, blocks or a platform so you can get a bucket under the tap. If you already have one rain barrel, please note you can interconnect multiple rain barrels to ensure you don’t waste a drop when it rains.
Payment. Please bring cash for the May 11 sale. You can prepay online for the barrels with debit, MC or Visa, but if you are paying the day of pickup, please bring cash also. (Rain barrels purchased through the REAL Deal after May 11 will be subject to HST, but you can pay by debit or credit card at the REAL Deal cash.)