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COVID-19 Adjustments

The COVID-19 pandemic has precipitated many changes in the world, including the  REAL world.  Here’s a quick run down on what we know as of April 4.

The REAL Deal Store – The board decided it was prudent to close the REAL Deal Reuse Store effective March 18 for at least three weeks. In the meantime the Ontario government declared that non-essential services must close.  Check our website and Facebook pages for updates.  You can hear our message / leave a message at (613) 283-7999, or email us at info@REALaction.ca if you have questions.  Please do not leave items at the gate, we will really appreciate your donations when we reopen.

Home Energy Audits – Our Registered Energy Advisor (REA), Alan Leonard, has temporarily suspended home energy audits, as have other Green Communities Canada members.  It is expected that Enbridge will be extending the deadline for post audits to be completed.  Contact Alan  for more details:  864-3099 or alanleonard9@gmail.com.

Community Garden Plots – All 12 plots have been allocated.  Community gardens have been lumped in with recreational pursuits as banned activities, but we hope the restriction will be lifted in time for gardening to proceed.  Katie Hoffman is in charge of the registrations:  (613) 983-3360 or kthoffman@cogeco.ca.

Radon Meters – Radon meter lending is temporarily suspended.  Contact Katie (see above) for arrangements when it becomes safe to continue.  We also have a meter in the Perth area that can be picked up / dropped off with Tony Cote.

Pitch In Smiths Falls – To date there has been no official word from Pitch-In Canada, but REAL feels it would be unsafe for out local April 25 to May 9 community litter cleanup to go ahead. 

 Sustainable North Grenville Fair, April 19 – The SNG team announced March 30 that the event will not be going ahead.  The event usually attracts about 1000 people.  The Sustainability Team and Alan Leonard were going to share a booth there.

Rain Barrel and Mushroom Compost Sale, May 9 – we are hoping this will go ahead as it is outdoors and we can practice appropriate social distancing.  At the very least, if you order a barrel and cannot get it that day, we can hang onto for you until you can pick it up.  See more details on the back page of this newsletter.    

Bea Johnson May 28 – Bea’s schedule has changed, but she hopes to be in the area in the summer, so lets consider her zero waste talk postponed not cancelled.

REAL Board – Our REAL Board held its has been able to hold March 16 board meeting by Skype.  Work on various other REAL projects is continuing in the background.  We sincerely hope we will be able to resume our usual activities soon.  Stay safe!