A federal loan program is available to help you improve your home’s energy efficiency. The program offers interest-free financing in addition to the Canada Greener Homes Grant to help you complete some of the more major retrofits recommended by your energy advisor.
Loan details
Maximum: $40,000
Minimum: $5,000
Repayment term: 10 years, interest-free
Loan type: Unsecured personal loan on approved credit
Effective June 17, 2022 – The Canada Greener Homes Loan is open to:
- Eligible applicants who are applying to Canada Greener Homes Grant.
- Active applicants at the pre-retrofit EnerGuide evaluation stage with the Canada Greener Homes Grant.
By August 31, 2022, The Canada Greener Homes Loan will open to:
- Homeowners who have already received a grant or requested a post-retrofit EnerGuide evaluation under the Canada Greener Homes Grant and want to apply for any remaining eligible retrofits they are interested in pursuing and have not yet commenced.
This loan does not apply to the following work:
- work that you’ve already started or completed
- retrofits that haven’t been recommended by an energy advisor
- retrofits that are not eligible for a Canada Greener Homes Grant
- retrofits that aren’t included in your application
Please consult NRCan’s website for full details.
Canada Greener Homes Loan