Have Donations? Now is a Good Time to Bring Them!
We truly appreciate all of your donations of good quality used items for the REAL Deal store, but we appreciate them even more this time of year! Winter, from mid-December until about mid-April, tends to be quite slow for donations. If you have items you were already planning to donate, please bring them now instead of waiting until spring.
Where to Take Them. Donations should be taken to the back of the property to the gate in the chain link fence in front of the green dome. There are staff (wearing reflective vests) there to assist you. If you just have a bag or two of stuff, you may use the customer doors and bring it to the cashier’s attention. If you have a really large donation, advance notice would be appreciated. Allow some time to do some shopping when you come. It is amazing how much variety there is in such a small space!
If you are not sure if we will accept what you have, check here , give us a call at (613) 283-7999, or email the store manager: [email protected]. A photo would be helpful for larger furniture items.
Thanks for contributing to the success of the REAL Deal Store!