REAL is exploring the possibility of a small Tool Rental Library within our REAL Deal Reuse Store. This service will encourage the reuse of existing tools, make tool use affordable for those with limited income, and reduce the homeowners need to purchasing new tools for short term or single use. Who hasn’t needed a tool to complete a project, and resorted to buying one to do it, and then never used it again? And for many purchasing a new tool is simply not an option; being able to rent a tool makes so many repairs and projects more feasible. This project is a social enterprise for us, not expected to generate great profits, but will encourage waste diversion, the do-it-yourself movement and the sharing economy. Thanks to an Investment Readiness Program grant, we have a business plan and are anxious to get started.
Our next step is to establish an inventory of tools for this operation. The REAL Deal is all about reusing, so we will take a few months to see what we can gather from community donations to get started. People may be moving, downsizing, decluttering and cleaning up their basements and garages, and would be happy to see REAL put it to good use. REAL has established a list of what we would like to acquire on our website, and are asking the community to contribute. If all goes well, we will start our rental operation in the fall.
If you have a gently used power tool you would like to donate, or would like to discuss this further, please contact Nancy and Bill at (613) 800 1938 or [email protected]. They would also be happy to arrange to pick it up from you. If REAL cannot use it for our lending service, we may be able to sell it in the store or recycle it for you.
Please note we are not collecting small hand tools or garden tools for this particular service, but we have always accepted them for resale in the store. Feel free to bring them to 85 William St. W. when we reopen in early June.
See Evelyn Harford’s Inside Ottawa Valley story “Tool Library Being Built in Smiths Falls” from May 10, 2021.
See our Tool Wish List